4 Questions To Assess Your Home Security Needs

When it comes to home security, many people are too relaxed. As they haven't suffered a break-in yet, they feel at ease in their surroundings and fail to recognize the threat of burglary occurring. However, home security is an extremely important consideration, and one that you would do well to get right. Below are four questions you should ask yourself when assessing your home security needs:

Should I Have a Home Alarm?

Despite the obvious advantages of having a home alarm system installed, many people are still on the fence about investing in one. Perhaps it's the costs incurred to install a home alarm, or that fact that false alarms could set the dog crazy; however, despite these sticking points, home alarms continue to be your best defense against burglary.

Home alarms don't only alert you when a break-in does occur, they also act as a deterrent against potential robberies. The majority of burglars are seasoned criminals; they know where to check for an alarm. If they see you have one installed, they will be much less likely to target your home.

Therefore, a home alarm should definitely be your first line of defense against break-ins. But with so many on the market, which one should you choose

What Do Burglars Commonly Look For in a Home?

Nearly all burglars are out to make themselves some money, so they'll be looking for your most valuable items. With that said, they also want an easy escape, so large items such as televisions could be seen as troublesome. Common items that burglars look for in a home include:

  • Jewelry
  • Laptops/Tablets
  • Mobile phones
  • Money
  • Expensive ornaments.
  • Spare house keys

The last one on the list may be confusing; however, many burglars consider a break-in a two stage job. Firstly, they will break in to your home and take everything they can in a hurry. Secondly, they will use your spare keys to revisit your home and really clean you out. As such, professional locksmiths should be one of the first people you contact after a break-in, to ensure your house isn't paid a second visit. 

Should I Have a Safe Deposit Box at Home?

Burglars don't just know what to look for, they also know where to look for it. Sock drawers, behind the sofa and under the bed may seem like great hiding spots, but criminals know this is exactly where you'll be hiding expensive stuff.

Therefore, if you can't hide your expensive jewelry and electrical goods in one of the aforementioned spots, where can you hide them? Well, one of the best investments you can make against theft is a safe deposit box. No, this won't protect against a break-in occurring; however, it will make sure that robbers leave relatively empty handed.

When it comes to installing a safe, there are three major things you should consider:

  • Quality of safe - this means avoiding the lure of a bargain and going for a high quality, top of the range safe. The initial extra expenditure is well worth it in the long run.
  • Installation - Make sure your home safe is installed by a professionally qualified locksmith to ensure your valuables are indeed being protected.
  • Anchoring - If your safe is left sitting in the corner, thieves will simply lift the entire structure and take it with them. As such, it's important to anchor your safe to a secure fixing, such as a structural wall or floor.

What About Important Documents?

In today's digital environment, there is an additional security threat to worry about – identity theft. If thieves can get their hands on sensitive information such as your bank or passport details, they can easily assume your identity and go on a spending spree. Therefore, it's imperative that you keep your documents safe and secure at all times.

Ideally, all of your documents should be kept secure in a safety deposit box from a place like Suburban Lock. If you don't have one installed yet, then lock all of your bank statements and credit card details away in a filing cabinet. Additionally, consider shredding all of your statements once you are finished with them to give you an added sense of security. 
